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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

apple iphone 5 features

apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features
  • apple iphone 5 features

  • ateslik
    Jun 19, 09:07 AM
    Does nobody realise that you have to support the exFAT format (from Microsoft, currently NOT supported on OS X, and has to be licensed by Microsoft) to be able to use more than 32 GB?

    8 Exbibytes (2^60)

    anyway, Kryder's Law applied to storage for the rest of the thread:

    64GB June 2010
    128GB June 2011
    256 GB June 2012
    512GB June 2013
    1TB June 2014
    2TB June 2015


    but given the growth surrounding this technology I'm expecting closer to mid-2013 until we see 2TB SDXC.

    apple iphone 5 features. New Apple iPhone 5
  • New Apple iPhone 5

  • ment
    Mar 1, 02:08 AM
    :confused::confused::confused:In-app purchase can be disabled using parental control. This is stupid. I expect my tax to be used by my government to tackle bigger problems, oh maybe like jobs and the economy, not to appease some idiot "parents."

    apple iphone 5 features. The Apple iPhone 5 is not yet
  • The Apple iPhone 5 is not yet

  • Tha_Sylent1
    Aug 14, 09:53 AM
    I'm digging those commercials...;)

    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features
  • apple iphone 5 features

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 11:35 AM
    Maybe because that's the only competitor there is right now? No WebOS tablet released. No BlackBerryOS tablet released. I guess technically they could've put some Windows 7 devices on there, but that would've been embarrassing ;)

    WebOS, BBOS... all vaporware right now (i.e. non-shiping product) and no matter what, you can't compare vendor hype to reality of a product you can touch and hold in it's shipping form.

    The Xoom is a great example of this. Sounded killer on paper and in the demo's looked awesome. But go use one. It's a mess. The one I worked with crashed, had screen lag and choppy animations of icons. Games were a joke. Half of the ones on the demo unit were phone size apps that looked like junk on a tablet.

    Not saying the Xoom is not a good tablet. It is. But it's far from the same fit and finish as the iPad or iPad2. It just felt like a beta device that was rushed to market to get out there. I had the same impressions with the first Samsung Tab.

    These competitors have got to take quality and overall user experience a lot more serious if they are going to lure the non-techie consumer into their camp. This is where Apple is killing them right now.


    apple iphone 5 features. next generation iphone 5
  • next generation iphone 5

  • sarge
    Mar 25, 08:41 AM
    I once sat on a plane next to an intellectual property lawyer who was commuting to NYC for work from Rochester. As it turned out he had once worked for EK and was now working in the city.

    When I conveyed my surprised over how strange it was that Eastman Kodak was lagging behind in digital imaging and still focused on film considering they were responsible for much of the technology behind digital imaging, he basically inferred that EK's leadership mismanaged their patent goldmine.

    apple iphone 5 features. iPhone 5: specs and features
  • iPhone 5: specs and features

  • antster94
    Apr 2, 05:28 PM
    You Americans got it lucky, petrol here in the UK is about �5.15 per gallon, or $8.30.


    apple iphone 5 features. Iphone 5 4 inch display 2
  • Iphone 5 4 inch display 2

  • ejfontenot
    Apr 2, 09:46 PM
    Just sold my used 16g wifi, getting a white 32g 3G ATT from ms connection Tuesday. Anyone wanna trade this for an unopened black one?

    apple iphone 5 features. iPhone 5 Concept Without Home
  • iPhone 5 Concept Without Home

  • spazzcat
    Aug 19, 11:54 AM
    Can anyone confirm this? It's so annoying when new features are turned on by default. I guess I just need to delete my account. I have a fb, but never check it, but I keep it around just because I get an email if somebody sends me a message on there and then I contact them back. Facebook is just awful, worst mistake signing up for it. If you don't have one DON'T GET ONE!!


    apple iphone 5 features. Apple iPhone 5 Price in India
  • Apple iPhone 5 Price in India

  • Hrududu
    May 4, 05:27 PM
    You don't need that to play new Starcraft, do you? :eek:
    Probably not, but it sure sounds like fun! :D

    apple iphone 5 features. Apple iPhone 5, 9 New Features
  • Apple iPhone 5, 9 New Features

  • 3CCD
    Nov 22, 11:03 AM
    Great idea to utilize the head lost in powerloss of a conductor while a computer is running through an energy conversion chip. The only problem is, every conductor has some sort of powerloss, so if we have tons of heat will it generate more heat since we are using electricity gained from powerloss? I guess if this chip works you'll be able to cut down on the imput source since your utilized heat lost in the form of electricity that is recirculated throughout the system.


    apple iphone 5 features. iphone 5 features apple.
  • iphone 5 features apple.

  • kinesin
    Nov 11, 09:01 AM
    Easiest way is purchase a QuickTime Pro License, then all you have to do is control-click on the window, and it will give you a 'Save as QuickTime Movie'. Or, without QT Pro, you can still save it the movie using a more complicated method as outlined on macosxhints: http://tinyurl.com/dsmsl

    Without QTPro,

    Use firefox, rightclick 'view page info'
    select media, find link to embedded mov file, click 'save as'

    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features.
  • apple iphone 5 features.

  • sn00p
    Nov 10, 02:27 PM
    RFID in passports is kind of another ball of wax. One of the issues with so-called e-Passports is that they store all of the information on the RFID tag (i.e. your personal information) rather than just a reference number to a database. This is so you don't have different countries accessing other countries' databases. However, the level of encryption used on these passports is very weak, so all of that data on the tag is potentially vulnerable.

    It is generally considered best practice to put only reference numbers to a database on RFID tags. That way if you skim the tag all you have is jibberish without the accompanying database info.

    Don't blame the technology... blame the incorrect use of the technology. I don't see how the above examples of Apple's potential usage could be a serious privacy threat like the passports are.

    E-Passports are however resilient to casual scanning (i.e the bad guy standing behind you in the queue) because you need to know personal details about the passport holder in order to generate the access key (this information is physically written inside the passport and the reader uses OCR to read it and then generate the key to access the electronic information).

    There have been many unfounded stories about E-Passports, mainly by scaremongering newspapers who find the dumbest "security export" money can buy.

    Yes you can duplicate the electronic portion of an E-passport with the right equipment, but what you cannot do is change this original information to create a fake passport that will pass validation, the data is signed using public key cryptography and the private keys are exactly that, private.

    Providing that the authorities validate e-passport data with the authentic public keys, there is no problem and no security hole.


    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5g features.
  • apple iphone 5g features.

  • Denarius
    Apr 6, 02:41 PM
    Am I missing something here? The whole point of a dock adaptor is so that you can have a dock for your laptop ready and waiting for you on your desk where you can have all of your TBolt, USB 3, USB 2 and displays all sitting ready and waiting. The presence of a dock adaptor doesn't necessarily mean that the laptop itself won't have it's own USB2/3, TBolt ports or whatever. No docking computer has ever got rid of all of the on-laptop ports in the past and Apple would be shooting themselves in the foot if they did. It would be a total non-starter.

    apple iphone 5 features. iPhone 5: specs and features
  • iPhone 5: specs and features

  • Raid
    May 3, 11:46 AM
    Are you say that you are leaving? Then don't let the door hit your on your arse.

    This is a democracy and in a democracy there are winners and losers. If you cannot respect the will of the people then I suggest that you find some communist/fascist paradise where you can be free of democracy.Whoa there, you sound like you're in favour of a conservative majority so why come out with guns blazing? This isn't an American political thread you know. :) Oh and BTW while our first-past-the-post system is probably best for local representation, saying it's the will of the people (http://www.ballot-access.org/2011/05/03/canadas-first-past-the-post-system-gave-conservative-party-54-of-seats-even-though-party-won-less-than-40-of-popular-vote/) is not quite the same.

    We have and will continue to have universal healthcare. We have and will continue to have a pension system and hopefully the conservatives can patch it up so that it will there for me when I retire as a supplement/backup for my RRSPs. The opposition parties would have either bankrupted the pension system or raised taxes on everyone which would have caused another recession. I truly hope that the conservatives will strengthen both our health care and pension systems the baby boomers are going to add significant costs to both and there's nothing any party can do about that. However I heard 'stay the course' from the political messaging from the conservatives and nothing about health care or pensions.

    The conservatives are "real" fiscal conservatives unlike the republicans and social moderates. Understand this, social moderate mean that they are out to serve the needs of all Canadians and not just special interests. If there are problems with our system then the solution needs to be to fix it for everyone as that is the only fair thing to do. If you pay into the system then you should be able to access that system. I hope you are right, but tax cuts to big oil and billion dollar summits don't sound to fiscally conservative do they?


    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features. apple
  • apple iphone 5 features. apple

  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 08:34 PM
    Ordered from gamestop before 11 A.M. And got the beta key around 5:00...

    Guess what I'm gonna be doing tonight? Not getting my engineering from 443 to 450...:eek:

    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features. apple
  • apple iphone 5 features. apple

  • RandomGuy26
    Mar 28, 08:22 AM
    This confirms that iOS 5 will be previewed in June and not in April like past years...

    how does it confirm that ??? apple has previewed things in April, but showcased the whole thing in June in the past.. and this is an announcement for the Showcase.


    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features.
  • apple iphone 5 features.

  • Apple Corps
    Feb 18, 06:46 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    Also, pretty tasteless to dress the way he does. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I were to meet him and sit next to him for dinner, I would respect the office enough not no dress in freakin' turtle neck.

    Jobs has ZERO class, none.

    I noticed they were all wearing shirts / tops - must be trying to hide some chest condition :rolleyes:

    apple iphone 5 features. iphone-5-features
  • iphone-5-features

  • byulasfjazz
    Aug 19, 10:40 AM
    I saw a story on the news recently where someone accepted a friendship request from someone they went to high school with and were friends with in high school. I guess they didn't know this person as well as they thought. They were actually being watched and monitored for the best times to break into their home. I know this an unusual circumstance but it definitely proves that you can't be too careful.

    like I said...if you didnt read.. PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND SEE ON A NORMAL BASIS...not some friend from school 10 years ago..

    Please you guys know who your REAL friends are...

    for people like ME.. this feature is genius for finding my CLOSE friends and family.

    apple iphone 5 features. apple iphone 5 features. apple
  • apple iphone 5 features. apple

  • neutrino23
    Dec 8, 02:27 AM
    Rest in peace.

    Mar 11, 09:24 AM
    Let us know if you hear anything. I figure that the lines won't be that bad after the amount of snow we had last night... Planning on getting down there around 3:30 or 4 myself.

    Mar 12, 05:05 PM
    Honda has been building cars in Ohio at least since the early '90s. Had a '93 Civic built in East Liberty or Marysville... can't remember which. Sadly, the Fits (I actually own an '09) come from Japan.

    God that Fit is a seriously sexy car. I know a couple of anti-global warming types who believe that humans can never have an impact on such a large planet, but whatever the truth is (Al Gore warning us, or Al Gore making serious bucks as a failed presidential candidate getting rich off of the green movement, anti-global warming types often point to the Honda Fit and Toyota Corolla as cars that have a smaller carbon footprint than the Toyota Prius or yuppie mobile Mini Coopers snotty rich liberals like to drive? And I am a liberal and even those liberals with small or hybrid cars who give me dirty looks because I can't afford their new Prius or mini just drive me nuts.

    Anyway, environmentalist or not, what do you think about the Fit's overall city and highway gas mileage? And does it really beat the Prius in overall gas mileage? Toyota also has a very similar small type of car that is totally sexy. To me, small is sexy (but not Smart Car), and I could parallel park easier than my huge SW, and get great gas mileage.

    I have also considered Mazda 3 and Pontiac Vibe.

    Bear Hunter
    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    I know what some of the plans are as I met the reps from Apple when they came to visit us.

    edit: ...and as mentioned, some of you have no concept about the military at all. It's pretty amusing actually.


    Mar 26, 03:07 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D


    Apr 24, 03:20 AM
    I'm just waiting for Lion to come out, then I am buying an 11" MBA. However, I would like to see a Thunderbolt port next to the power port so I won't have to stretch cables to both sides of the MBA when using a Cinema Display.

    My guess is that if there is a Thunderbolt port, and the Cinema Display is updated to utilize a Thunderbolt cable, the USB cable would be unnecessary. That would be pretty slick.

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